================================= VaneaBlack Style For Vanilla1.0.1 ================================= Version: 1.2.2 Last Updated: 2006-10-26 Author: Camie Author E-mail: bycamie(at)gmail dot com =============================== STYLE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS =============================== In order to enable this style, you must first place the style in the correct folder in Vanilla. Every style works only for specific themes, so make sure that you place this style in the correct theme's style folder by checking the lussumo.com/addons listing for this style. The path to this style's folder & contents should be as follows: /path/to/vanilla/themes/vanilla/styles/vaneablack/vanilla.css Once you have copied the files to the correct place in Vanilla, you can then enable the style in Vanilla using the **Themes & Styles** form on the settings tab.